Thursday, February 27, 2014

Acts Chapter 11

Slowly but surely, I am getting these songs written and recorded! Antioch was a place where Greeks came to know the gospel message. It was there that believers first started to be referred to as Christians. It's fun to imagine the excitement of what was happening there. God was doing something big, and people were hearing about what God was doing in Antioch.

Saturday, February 15, 2014

Acts Chapter 10

     Peter, like many people, had some preconceived ideas about what was acceptable. The good news was first shared with the Jewish people. Then, after some accepted but many also refused the message, the gospel began to be shared with the Gentiles (basically everyone who is not a Jew). God orchestrated and initiated the sharing of the good news with the Gentiles. God gave Peter a vision of a blanket full of food that Jews were not normally permitted to eat, and God said, "eat it!" Peter objected, but God responded, "Don't call anything unclean that I have made clean." This was a reminder to Peter to broaden his horizons. To preach the gospel to Gentiles back then would be a radical move, and it was a radical move of God.

     The main message I receive from this scripture is that the good news is for everyone, no matter who you are, what you've done, where you grew up, or whatever else.

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Acts Chapter 9

I am running behind lately. This song is about Saul's encounter with Jesus.

Saturday, February 8, 2014

Acts Chapter 8

In Acts chapter 8, the believers are beginning to be heavily persecuted for their faith in Jesus. They are scattered around to different regions. This does not weaken their resolve though. The influence of their message spreads. The believers are like scattered seeds, and good things are growing out of that.

Acts Chapter 7

Acts 7 is a mouthful! After Stephen is brought before a council of Jewish leaders, he is given a chance to defend himself. However, instead of thinking of himself, through the power of the Holy Spirit he testifies about how leaders of the Israelites and prophets throughout history have prophesied and foretold the coming of the Messiah and how Jesus was the fulfillment of those prophesies. Stephen's testimony also exposes the sins of the Jewish leaders who are confronting him. In the end, Stephen is stoned to death. The amazing part is that Stephen's eyes are so fixed on God that he actually sees the glory of God and Jesus standing in the place of honor at the right hand of God! With Stephen's last breath, he pleads with God to forgive those who are persecuting him. I love how innocent and pure Stephen is.

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Acts Chapter 6

Here's a little story about Stephen!

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Acts Chapter 5

Read Acts Chapter 5 to get more background information.

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Acts Chapter 4

In Acts 4, the top religious leaders pull Peter and John aside. They warn Peter and John to stop speaking and performing miracles in the name of Jesus. Peter and John respond something like this: "Is it more important for us to obey God or to obey you? What do you think? As for us, we can't help but testify to who Jesus is and what he has done!"

Monday, February 3, 2014

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Acts Chapter 2

In Acts chapter 2, the Holy Spirit, whom Jesus promised would come, filled and empowered the followers of Jesus. Amazing signs and wonders were happening in those days, and all of those were pointing to God. The miracles alone, though, were not what pierced the hearts of men and women. The testimony of Jesus Christ being the ultimate sacrifice for mankind, as was prophesied long ago in many times and in various ways, is what compelled people to change their lives and to align themselves with the heart of God.

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Acts Chapter 1

I am reading the book of Acts from the bible this month and writing a song about each chapter. Here is the first song! Acts 1 is about a time of transition from when Jesus was here in person to when the Holy Spirit filled those who were followers of Jesus. Believers were empowered and encouraged by the Holy Spirit to testify to who Jesus is and what Jesus had accomplished.