There are 28 days in the month of February. There are 28 chapters in the book of Acts. My challenge to myself this coming February is to write a song for each day of the month of February about each chapter of the book of Acts.
This idea actually originated a few years ago when a musician friend of mine in Santa Cruz, California said to me, "Hey, a bunch of us are writing a song for each week of the month of October. We're calling it 'Rocktober.' You should do it too!" I went a step further and decided to write and record a new song for every day of Rocktober. Seeing what I came up with was fun! I didn't write the most amazing songs, but it was all about the experience and the challenge. And I think I did come out with a few gems.
Lately, I have just been craving such a challenge again. I haven't written or recorded very many songs for awhile, and I think it's about time to see what else I can come up with!
I'm not expecting anyone else to join me in exactly what I am doing, but how do you think you might challenge yourself artistically this next month? Maybe you can make a goal of writing a song, painting a portrait, snapping a few pictures, writing a poem, or doing some type of craft project once a week for the month of February. I just want to pass on the same type of challenge that was originally posed to me!
If you do decide to challenge yourself this next month, leave me a comment to let me know what you are doing! My masterpiece of a wife was born in February, so February is a good month to be creative!
This idea actually originated a few years ago when a musician friend of mine in Santa Cruz, California said to me, "Hey, a bunch of us are writing a song for each week of the month of October. We're calling it 'Rocktober.' You should do it too!" I went a step further and decided to write and record a new song for every day of Rocktober. Seeing what I came up with was fun! I didn't write the most amazing songs, but it was all about the experience and the challenge. And I think I did come out with a few gems.
Lately, I have just been craving such a challenge again. I haven't written or recorded very many songs for awhile, and I think it's about time to see what else I can come up with!
I'm not expecting anyone else to join me in exactly what I am doing, but how do you think you might challenge yourself artistically this next month? Maybe you can make a goal of writing a song, painting a portrait, snapping a few pictures, writing a poem, or doing some type of craft project once a week for the month of February. I just want to pass on the same type of challenge that was originally posed to me!
If you do decide to challenge yourself this next month, leave me a comment to let me know what you are doing! My masterpiece of a wife was born in February, so February is a good month to be creative!